I understand now why many 9-5ers choose to vent their frustration in their blogs: SHE'S SO BLOODY NOISY. Now I'm sure that's not really the case, but SHE REALLY FRIGGIN' IS. She brings new definition to the term 'Squawk Box', and I'm sure if given the chance, she would take Becky Quick's anchor position in a jiffy. Worst of all, besides the fact she can't shut it, she speaks in an American accent (authentic, I made a bet with my colleague) so she really sounds like a genuine dumb blonde. What with our Malaysian culture in the mix. Lahs and mahs and mah chee byes.
Every morning, as I enter the haven that is my workplace, she greets me with a squeaky, fever high-pitched, "Hi Scotty!" I just cringe and return her a look of what I think a person who has just stepped in dog doo would look like and hope to God it passes off as a smile. 'Cause if it doesn't, she goes, "Why the funny face?" DO PEOPLE WHO TREAD ON DOG SHIT GIVE YOU A FUNNY LOOK? I DON'T THINK SO.
For crying out loud, we don't give two shits about whether you can speak like, 12 different languages (yeah, she can), we don't care if you've seen people fatter than you, or whether you dislike taugeh. We certainly wouldn't bother you (or be bothered) if you've "gone insane" and would rather commit suicide than hear your experiences in a public shower in Sweden (or was it Switzerland) again.
Well, ME at least.
Rumor has it she'll be working here another 2 weeks. After that, hopefully, she'll manage to heave her big behind out the door and leave us be.
I guess I've held up this entry for as long as I could. I've had it being nice.
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